Calculation of profitability for windfarms

 Brandt Engineering, renewable Energie, Solar und Geothermie, Dr.- Ing.Reinhard Brandt
Brandt Engineering international projects

Thank you for your interest in our company.

We will be happy to provide you with some impressions of our tasks  in engineering and control engineering.                                                          Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Brandt

renewable energy engineering

Besides complex constructions in engineering and automation-engineering the “Brandt Engineering” is dealing with the controlling of such constructions.


Our over twenty years of experience in the interaction of the mechanical construction and the realization into controlling generated many improvements in production facilities.


Because of the vast number of special tasks again and again new challenges were brought to us to deal with.

Automatization fascinates us


The holistic consideration of projects and production processes has raised our awareness for the necessities and helps us to find efficient solutions for the set tasks.

Our activities in the field of renewable energy, in particular wind energy and solar energy confronts us more and more often

            – apart from the actual technical solution –


with mere commercial and calculative necessities.

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Brandt Engineering das Ingenieurbüro für technische Beratung und Entwicklung